The Lost Video Series

It is my great hope to impart something useful. But if you enjoy this content, Ad Free, please consider letting me know. Thanks!

Episode I

More Like a Windy Evening from Hell

In this 1st episode we find our hero (‘me’) walking Second Beach at Sunset in Olympic National Park. Rambling on about this and that, though there are a couple not so half baked ideas that make a lot of sense and you should watch the whole thing because of it.

Being serious for a was blowing like 25+mph on that beach and the wind was a biting cold. How I ever got a single word out is beyond me. This is the first 'reel' episode in The Lost Video Series...a set of photography training videos created in 2015, which got 'lost' and then 'found' let's begin. Like a fine wine, they get better as time goes by.

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Episode II

It’s Silky Time

In this 2nd episode we take a look into a couple important elements that make up a Great Landscape image. Now to be completely honest here, this video doesn’t cover EVERYTHING that goes into the making of a Great Landscape, because that would be like a four day long video…can you even do that?, I don’t know; but I do know a couple things that you may want to consider the next time you’re ‘out there’.

With that in mind, please enjoy some more ramblings from a dinosaur in the industry. But you’ll have to go off and visit some other dinosaurs’ channel. I’m not ready to take that title on just yet. Dinosaur, no, not yet. Maybe when I’m dead you can all call me that. “I’m not dead yet. I’m feeling much better!” (oh man that dates me right there!)

This marks the third ‘reel’ in The Lost Video Series...a set of photography training videos created in 2015, which got 'lost' and then 'found' let's keep going.

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Episode III

Forget the Rules, But Here’s #2

In this 3rd episode we explore the 2nd rule of landscape photography. Not unlike the first rule, which can be found here: Episode II timestamp: 14:20

This 2nd rule is just as important as the 1st rule. Care to guess what the 3rd rule is?

We are also going to explore three type of Landscapes as we build on the previous episode found here: Silky Water that Anyone CAN Do! Motion is Everything. Just jump right in, there’s only getting your feet wet at this point. But don't forget to stop and smell the moss.

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Episode IV

Just Another Emotional Video

In this 4th episode we take a look into 'The Mind of Minolta'. Not sure anyone out there remembers that phrase or even that manufacturer or even the concept behind it...but in a nutshell we're going to look into our Emotional Toolbox to discover the tools one needs to be successful in this business. We are going to examine a couple elements most photographers, heck even savvy business people, never even think about. I'm not sure how many times I've been asked 'what does it take to make it in this business Rodney?' In this episode I take the time to outline a few things I believe are important to understand and to 'own' in order to be YOU, which is what we all really want to see...not a copycat of someone else 'you', but the real YOU. So while trying to keep this train on its tracks, let's get going. WARNING: there are more than one or two really irreverent and sarcastic moments in here. If you want to rant on and on about them, just know that your bathroom mirror will work much better than anything else. Here's the link to Day Dreaming

Have a look at Swan Song, my 4th book, before they are all gone!

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Episode V

Don’t Be Good Anymore

In this 5th episode I ask the question “Perhaps it’s time to re-think everything!?” The topics in this episode sound like an easy enough thing to do, but in reality it is extremely difficult. BUT don’t be discouraged by this, because all good things come to those that put in the effort and that is usually a hard thing to do. Nothing is handed to you, no matter what others try to pitch you into believing. Take me as an example, I’m ‘an instant overnight success’, that only took 25+ years of really grueling work (that somehow I really love doing) to get here. Wherever ‘here’ really is. Admittedly though, slopping around in the mud isn’t for everyone. It might sound a bit cliché, but if I can do it, you can do it! wiki

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Episode VI

Edwardo the Camera

In this 6th episode we explore the greatest crescent wrench in our photographers toolbox...The Camera. More often than not we tend to think that we need more stuff to get things done, but when you are first starting out is that really true?

Admittedly there is a fair bit of rambling and story telling, as always, BUT THIS TIME, you'll have to check it out to see. But the opener, seriously. If you don't know who Stephen King or Wolfgang Puck are you should probably brush up on them first...if you want the full effect that is. So let's get on with the show!

Have a look at Swan Song, makes great gift!

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Episode VII

The Ultimate Landscape Camera

In this 7th episode we continue our exploration of the crescent wrench's in our photographers toolbox...The Camera. We will also discuss why these final systems described here are the best for landscape work. WARNING: both are expensive and both are hard to use...which is probably why so few of us are still using them; you know, living in this immediate gratification sort of world. Not unlike episode 6, there is a fair bit of rambling and story telling, as always. Oh, and we discover that Edwardo the Camera (episode 6) is a Redhead!

Is Edwardo really a Redhead?!

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Episode VIII

Just Some Boring Tech Talk

This is in fact the first boring video I have created (which should spark some kind of morbid curiosity for you to watch it.) Not all of them are this boring but there are a few more coming down the pipe...because let's face it, there are technical elements we need to know how to use.

WARNING: the statements below might not align well with how you think things ought to be...I can respect that, but I sure hope you can offer me the same reciprocal respect.

NOW for those in the know, I have very strong feelings when it comes to Mother Nature and especially within the 'artistic' form of landscape photography as the medium. If you'd care to know exactly my stance, you can read the Op-Ed Article I wrote, and which was published, in the January 2016 publication of Outdoor Photographer.

Swan Song, be the hero in your own house!

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Episode IX

Sometimes You Just Have to Rethink it All

In this 9th episode we examine what I call, and have been talking about for some time, The Grand Scape! While these images can be so obvious it can feel like they are yelling at you to photograph them...sometimes you just have to change your plan.

The goal here is to understand that you don't have to have only ONE PLAN. You can have many. The image I share of my interpretation of a Grand Scape did not come about the way I'd intended, but none the less it came about.

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Episode X

A Non Natural, Natural Wonder

I've seen a lot of things happen in nature, but nothing like this.

This is the 10th episode, just follow along as I explore one of those rare non nature natural wonders at Fly Geyser in the Nevada Desert. The unexpected rears it ugly head.

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Episode XI

The f-stops Here!

IMHO this is the most important episode of this entire series. If you really want to know what makes a great composition, watch the entire episode!

In this 11th episode, we will spend our entire time investigating the elements which are required to get your work to be enjoyed by others. Let's face it, that is not an easy thing to do. Nor, sometimes, is it popular.

Stop doing all the same stuff other people do, unless you are indeed an automaton. Isn't it about time you get to just be you?

Thanks for watching and if you're enjoying these episodes. Thanks!

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Episode XII

The Sun Always Rises

If the last episode was 'the best one yet', then this one is likely going to win an academy award for acting. Why? I guess you'll have to watch the opener at minimum.

There are a couple more moments of useful tid bits', aka ProTips!

In this 12th episode we're roadside at Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe for sunrise.

Here is my 4th book, you know, the one that’s ‘better’ than all the rest Swan Song.

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Episode XIII

Just a Few Worthy Tid Bits

In this 13th episode (aka luckiest of them all and especially when you consider it's being uploaded on April Fools) we're at the world famous Mono Lake in California.

It's now time to learn a bit more on what ingredients go into making a tasty composition. So in this episode we will discuss just that...what is it that makes somethings better than others?

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Episode XIV

The Last Lost Video

It's been quite the journey, as this is the LAST of The Lost Video series. It's time for a tiny nap before we move onto other things. If you have watched the entire Lost Video Series, well it's my sincere hope that you gained more than a couple tid bits along the way. Thanks for watching!

So in this final episode how about we spend our last few moments talking over a couple practical topics and a couple not so practical topics. We will discuss how to make some things better than other things. Because, no matter what they say, expertise counts and size matters.

But practice, trail & error and having great fortitude will earn you the results everyone will both see and feel in the end.

And for the last time have a look at Swan Song and buy one!

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