Mastering Landscape Photography

Let’s face it, trying to wade through the myriad of possibilities on learning Landscape Photography can sometimes make you feel like you’re navigating through a mine field.

Knowing that you are in the right place, but not knowing what to do next, can make it seem like your creativity is being stifled which leaves you wondering why you even came out here in the first place. After all, with so many choices for workshops out there, you often have no idea who really knows how to help or what they’re doing.

What if there was someone, who not only has proven that they know how it’s done, but has shared it with thousands of others. And what if you could hear what those folks have to say…maybe then you’d be in a place where you can focus on what really matters. That’s when nature becomes contagious.



In the realm of landscape photography, stilling the perfect shot is like cracking a tasty walnut. Each and every element in the frame plays a vital role in creating an image that speaks volumes to those who view it. Whether you're capturing majestic mountain ranges, tranquil lakeshores, or rugged coastlines, mastering composition is key to showcasing the beauty and essence of nature. Here are five essential tips to help you improve your landscape photography game and capture scenes that truly resonate with others.

1. Start with The Rule of Thirds

Imagine your photo frame as a tic-tac-toe board, but instead of X's and O's, you're playing with how to showcase nature's wonders. Divide it into nine equal parts with a couple of lines going each way (i.e. into thirds vertically and horizontally.)

Then, get playful and put your main subjects where those lines intersect or along those lines. It's like orchestrating a little visual symphony, that helps to direct the viewer's gaze with finesse.

Think of it as the art of picture-perfect balance, with just a hint of strategic fun thrown in.

2. Consider Foreground, Middle-ground, and Background

Think of building a compelling landscape photo like assembling a sandwich – you want something tasty in every layer.

Start with a strong foreground, add some juicy details in the middle, and finish off with a flavorful background.

Don't be afraid to play around with your camera settings and angles to really make each layer shine. It's all about creating a picture that's as satisfying to look at as it is to eat!

Did you notice the blades of grass in the foreground

3. Utilize Leading Lines

Do you remember in art class how you made a drawing in ‘perspective’ view that led your eyes into the image? That is what we are wanting to do with your photo. So think of it as a treasure map, and those lines are like the clues leading you to the hidden treasure of your scene.

Whether it's a winding river, a rustic fence, or a meandering path, these lines act as guides, drawing you deeper into the adventure.

By weaving these leading lines into your composition, you not only add depth but also ensure that every inch of your photo tells a story worth exploring.

4. Pay Attention to Balance and Symmetry

Ever play on a teeter totter? Picture your composition as that teeter totter you may have enjoyed on the neighborhood playground. You want everything to be perfectly balanced for a smooth ride.

Spread your visual elements evenly across the frame, like sharing toys with your friends. Whether it's balancing big things with small ones or putting the star of the show slightly off-center, aim for that perfect equilibrium.

It's all about creating a sense of harmony that makes your photo a joy to behold, like finding that sweet spot on the seesaw where everything feels just perfect.

5. Experiment with Perspective

Think of your camera as a curious cat, always exploring and prowling for the best view. Now be that cat!

Don't be shy about shimmying around your subject or tilting your camera this way and that. Getting down low can make those mountains and towering trees look even mightier, while a bird's-eye view from up high gives you a whole new perspective on the landscape.

Playing with different angles is like adding spices to your dish – it brings out the flavor and keeps things interesting. So go ahead, get adventurous, and see where your new perspective takes you!

Transitioning from understanding these essential tips to confidently applying them in your landscape photography journey can be challenging, but with personalized guidance and support, I am here to bridge that gap and empower you to capture breathtaking landscapes that leave a lasting impression.


I’ve Been at this a Long Time

I understand the struggle and complexities that come into play while learning to be creative and in making sense of it all.

My passion for bringing people together and creating an environment that fosters your personal growth, through collaboration, is what ultimately will lead to your success in this field. You will receive the support you need to take your landscape photography to the next level!

My ‘Uncle Bill’ gave me a camera to document my travels when I was only 12. His advice…”Go have fun!” And I have done that ever since. Let me help you to not only to go have fun, but to also bring home that feeling for others to see.

Learn how we can transform your photography together!

Benefits You Can Expect

Hands On Learning Experience

Workshops offer a hands on learning environment where you can apply theoretical knowledge directly in the field. This experiential learning approach allows for immediate feedback, fostering skill development and vastly improved confidence in photography techniques.

Personalized Guidance and Feedback

Unlike self guided learning or online tutorials, in the field workshops provide personalized guidance and feedback tailored to individual skill levels and goals. Offering constructive critiques, suggested creative approaches, and address specific challenges, accelerating the learning curve and enhancing overall growth as a photographer.

Community and Networking Opportunities

Workshops bring together like minded individuals who share a passion for photography, fostering a supportive community of peers. Participants have the chance to network, exchange ideas, and collaborate with fellow photographers, creating valuable connections and inspiring ongoing growth and motivation in their photographic journey.

Imagine being able to bring back the knowledge that will change your life by truly feeling the beauty of nature.
Then knowing every snap was worth it!

  • "There are many other landscape photographers out there, but what sets Rodney apart from everyone else by light years, is that Rodney truly thinks like an artist and not like a technician."

    — Andrii Yasinetsky

  • "Rodney’s excitement and love of our surrounding world and how to capture it is contagious!! After a few days with Rodney you will never look at art the same way again! "

    — Sean McGowan

  • “Rodney captures the stillness and quiet in the midst of a world of motion.”

    — Miriam Leuchter - Editor in Chief of Popular Photography

  • "Rodney's images, captured with his artistic eye, lift the spirit with the realization of the splendor our world possesses."

    — Clyde Butcher

  • "Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better."

    — Andre Gide

  • "Rodneys images engulf you in a location that you wish you could have experienced. His works give you that experience and much more!"

    — Dave Gallagaher

  • "Nothing matters after the fact unless you get it right to start with."

    — Rodney Lough Jr.


  • Sunrise, sunset, midday, maybe nighttime sessions in the field. Oh, plenty of fun!

    Rodney has been exploring the world professionally for over 29 years, and you’ll get to join him and learn from his experience. His job is to get you to the right place at the right time. You’ll be learning everything from composition to how to capture the “wow factor.” Each step along the way Rodney will be there to answer your questions and give you pointers.

    While we spend a fair bit of time and emphasis on creativity, we will delve into the technical elements as well.

    You’ll experience photographing right alongside (and learning from) the master.

  • Participants will need to provide for their own ground transportation. Though we do encourage carpooling whenever possible. This workshop may take us off road, just so you know.

    Over the years we have leaned, when it comes to where folks want to lay their heads at night, varies greatly. Because of this you need to book your accommodations to suit your own needs.

    We will provide snacks and water while in the field.

  • Lodging: But we can help you in booking a place, just give us a call. Airfare, ground transportation, and meals are not included.

    CLOSEST AIRPORTS: Grand Junction Regional - GJT which is 98 miles away. La Plata County Airport in Durango DRO is just at 70 miles away. The closest regional airport is located in Montrose MTJ roughly 35 miles away.

  • Once you have booked your spot we will send you a detailed workshop PDF. There’s a ton of useful information there!


    As you embark upon the rugged terrain of the Rockies in the crisp embrace of late September, there are a number of essential layers that will make you much happier.

    Layered clothing, can be a tapestry of warmth and versatility. It can be your shield against the chill of the high-altitude winds. By embracing this artistry of attire, each garment is a brushstroke on your canvas of comfort.

    Convertible mittens, the chameleons of hand attire, seamlessly transition between warmth and dexterity, ensuring your fingers remain nimble amidst the frosty embrace of a cold morning.

    The alchemy of chemical hand and toe warmers, casting their gentle warmth upon frost-kissed extremities is a testament to human ingenuity in the face of nature's embrace. I’ve been doing this my whole life, and I don’t like being cold.

    If you want to see what you are doing in the dark, your phone can work, but the headlamp, with its luminescent halo, will guide your nocturnal wanderings amidst the shadowed valleys and craggy peaks a lot better. With extra bulbs and batteries, let its radiance banish the darkness that seeks to obscure your path. Don’t forget your hands will be free as well.

    Boots or really good day hikers are stalwart guardians of a weary traveler. Choose wisely, wear them in, for they are the steadfast companions upon your journey.

    Wool or synthetic socks, woven with care and craftsmanship, shall cocoon your feet in warmth and comfort, warding off the chill that lurks in the mountain air. Bring extras, for in their abundance lies the promise of enduring solace.

    You are going to want/need sunscreen, it is your guardian against the ephemeral dance of UV rays upon exposed skin. You may be a ‘redneck’, but don’t get a redneck.

    Snacks, the sustenance of body and spirit, especially when they are yummy. Choose with discernment, for they are the fuel that ignites the flame of creativity within.

    A refillable water bottle or bladder, will quench your thirst and nourish your soul. Let its bounty flow freely, for within its depths lies the elixir of life itself. Literally.

    In essence, with each provision, you forge a deeper connection to the rhythm of the wilderness, harmonizing with its melody as you still its essence with every snap of the shutter.

  • Heck you don’t even need one if you don’t want; but you might want to bring the best one you can because you’re gonna want to hang at least one of the images on your wall when you get home.

    Here is a list of things you may wish to consider though: DSLR, mirrorless, or 35mm to 8x10 film camera (with manual). Lenses (wide, normal, tele). A real tripod (not a cheap one - they alway break). 2 Stop Graduated Neutral Density filter with lens mounting abilities. Charger and extra batteries.

  • Honestly I’ve done so much of both, feel free to bring both, one, none, either or…we will be spending a great deal of time working on how to see, and then we will be working on how to get it in the ‘can’.

  • Yep. After all we’ve worked so hard to get the image, we ought to at least know how and what to do with it later. It will not just be editing we will be discussing, color theory, prep work for output, sizing, sharpening, profiling…don’t worry, you’ll be all set to go make something worthy of your wall.

  • Each location is different, but I am a ‘wilderness’ landscape photographer, so there is absolutely hiking involved. Our family often refers to ourselves as ‘Lazy Hikers’. Over the years I’ve learned how to read the lay of the land and how to take full advantage of the terrain.

    It won’t be the hiking most likely though, it’ll be making oxygen choices…do I breath or do I talk? ;-) It’s the alititude.

    All that said, it shouldn’t be all that hard. My goal is to put us in the right place to increase our likelihood for the best possible shot. We will be doing what has successfully worked for me over and over again.

  • Normally these workshops fill up fast, which then leads to a waitlist. With that in mind our policy has always been if you cancel within 45 days of the workshop you will be assessed at 50% cancellation fee (unless we are able to fill your spot). If it is less than 45 days before the workshop there is no refund (which is due to the fact most people have made other plans).

“If I have questions…What do I do next?”

Speak with a Real Person | Call the studio 833.462.7526

Here’s What You’ll Get

  • The workshop provides ample opportunities for participants to practice photography techniques in real world settings, allowing time to apply what’s been learned immediately.

  • With small group sizes, everyone can expect individualized attention ensuring that your specific questions and challenges are addressed.

  • The workshop grants access to picturesque landscapes and iconic landmarks, providing participants with unique opportunities to capture breathtaking images. Sometimes it is ‘what you know.’

  • Participants will receive personalized instruction and feedback from experienced landscape photographers, offering insights and techniques to improve their skills.

  • Participants will have the chance to photograph during the golden hours of sunrise and sunset, when the lighting is most favorable for landscape photography.

  • Participants will learn essential composition and framing techniques to create visually striking and well balanced landscape images.

  • The workshop may cover recommendations for photography gear and essential accessories, as well as tips for maximizing the potential of participants' existing equipment.

  • Participants will have the opportunity to receive constructive critiques and reviews of their work from Rodney and peer attendees, facilitating growth and improvement.

  • In addition to fieldwork, the workshop may include sessions on post-processing techniques, helping participants correct their images using software like Photoshop.

  • The workshop provides a platform for participants to connect with fellow photographers, share experiences, and build lasting relationships within the photography community.

2024 MASTERCLASS | A Workshop Unlike Any Other

Fall Colors in the San Juan Mountains
based out of Ouray & Telluride | Colorado

September 27 - 30, 2024

This is a workshop unlike any I have ever done! Here we will not only explore the natural beauty of peak fall color changes, but we will explore the three phases of becoming an artist. Further we will discuss what you need to do to become a successful landscape photographer in a day and age where AI threatens to take over, where imitation has become the norm.

I was speaking with a previous student who attended this workshop a couple years ago, when I realized how much fun these workshops are and how much I miss doing them. Especially during the peak of the Fall Color Season in the Rocky Mountain High Country.

This fall color workshop is based out of both Ouray and Telluride Colorado.  The folks in these high mountain towns dress casual, meander the sidewalks, get to and fro via bicycle (a lot) and love their towns even more.  Who could blame them!  Pack your bags and get ready to embark on three days of in-the-field training as we embark on what is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

Think about it like this…I can go anywhere I want, when I want, and this is where I choose to go for fall color, tall white barked aspens, snow capped mountains so high they touch the heavens and alpine lakes so clear you can see to the bottom. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be for fall color! Join me for an actual adventure where you come away with having learned a lot more than you think you already know. I give you permission.

Yep, that sums it up nicely.

Until Next Time, Take Care & I’ll,
See Ya on the Trail!

